We’re slowly climbing out of the pandemic-era restrictions with lots of exciting updates! First, we have a great summer planned, with Yale undergrads Gladys Venegas, Sophia Zhao, Shreya Nuli, and Maya Lewis-Hayre joining in some great projects, including a study of experience-dependent reorganization of inhibitory synapses and development of a new stroke model for the lab. Amajindi Nwankpa from Hunter College is working on a joint project with the Cardin lab studying saccade dynamics in mice. Zane Kashlan from Georgia State is working on realistic models of dendritic signaling. We are also welcoming Alejandro Nuño, who is joining the lab full-time as a post-bacc to study inhibitory circuits in the entorhinal cortex. Finally, new MD/PhD student Victoria Fan has started imaging cellular and axonal dynamics in visual cortex and INP PhD student Rachel Oren has jointly joined the Higley and Cardin labs to study cortical dynamics in neuropsychiatric disorders! To celebrate surviving the past year and highlight our enthusiasm for the future, we had a wonderful, outdoor and socially-distanced get-together with the Cardin Lab, hosted at the home of our colleague, Gordon Shepherd (see pic below). Here’s to summer!!!