Hey – check out our new logo, courtesy of Stellate Communications! Lots of new faces in the lab for this new academic year! Over the summer, we welcomed two new postdocs. Paras Patel will be studying axonal function in vivo and Lauren Panzera will be studying molecular mechanisms regulating dynamics of synaptic release. Additionally, Chiayu Chiu has returned to the lab as a research scientist to study the role of cannabinoid signaling in cortical circuits. We’re also excited to see Victoria Fan – Yale MD-PhD program – in lab full time to start her thesis work exploring sensory-driven plasticity across visual areas in the cortex. We also welcome Lamisa Musarat, a postbacc applying novel approaches to anatomical studies of long-range intracortical projections. Finally, Axel Rosado is a first-year INP student rotating in the lab, using new behavioral assays to study visual fear learning. Can’t wait for the next lab outing!!